I'm a Counselor with a Facebook Business Page! Now What!? (Part Two)

I am going to assume you are here because you have already read the post, I’m a Counselor with a Facebook Business Page! Now What!? (Part One). I am also going to assume you have brainstormed content ideas related to your Skills and are ready to deliver to your Subject. If you don’t have those things and don’t know what I am talking about. Never fear! Just go back to Part One to learn about and obtain them. If you do have them, press on and get ready to look like the Specialist you are. 

In this article I will teach you how to:

  1. ·    Find sound bites of information in your content.
  2. ·    Turn sound bites into picture
  3. Design Posts in Canva

 Find the “Sound Bites”

Like we talked about in Part One, you will create a post for one Subject or one Skill. So I want you to look at ONE brainstorm. Do any phrases or descriptions catch your eye? The goal here is to look for 3-5 words that capture your message for ONE post in a nutshell. We want to use these Sound Bites of Information to guide the rest of our post making sure the reader's experience is clear and concise. To learn more how to write a great Facebook Post check out my blog: Dissecting a Facebook Post For Counselors.

Examples of Sounds Bites include:

“Connect as a Couple Again”

“Learn to Fight Fair”

Words into Pictures

Step two of this process is turning words into pictures. If you remember from Part One. I planted a seed to get you started on Part Two of this series by asking you to brainstorm images that might connect well with the content you want to share. Turning words into pictures is the bulk of the work for creating quality photos to capture potential clients’ attention.

Let’s have a go for each of our examples:

1.      “Connect as a Couple Again”

a.      Couple on Couch 

c.      Hug

d.      Couple Walking



2.      “Learn to Fight Fair”

a.      Couple Fighting

b.      Arms Crossed

c.      Couple talking calmly



Each of these images was obtained in Canva. As you have probably guessed by now, Canva is my go-to online design space. It’s got a great selection of elements you can use to put together professional and eye-catching material. And you can get away with using it for free, if you are choosy about your selections.

(Disclaimer: I do pay for Canva pro. I use it enough to justify the shared expense between my two businesses. And I have a few more blog/business ideas up my sleeve, yet.)

Step By Step Design Directions

If you are looking for step by step directions for how to find, adjust, and brand each of these photos to look like the posts I used for examples in Part 1 of this series, that begins now. 

1. From the Canva home screen chose the "Social Media" category from the template menu. Then Select the "Social Media" Template. I chose this template because it easily integrates with all social media platforms, allowing me to only make one meme for all my accounts. If you prefer, there are template options specific to Facebook, Instagram, and others. 

2. Select the "Elements" tab.

3. Type your sound bite into the search bar. Select an image by left clicking once. 

4. Right click on the image and select 'Set Image as Background". If the part of the image you want gets cut off, right click again and select "Detach Image From Background" and crop the image so it will fit better in the provided space. Then set is as the background again. 

5. Select the Text icon. Then choose the size text you would like to add. Click it to add it to you photo. Once it's added you can change the text by selecting it and typing.

6. Select the Brand icon. Add your previously uploaded transparent logo. (I cover this in my post: How to Create A Free Logo for you Facebook Business Page (For Counselors))

7. To download your photo to your computer select the save button in the top right corner. Select "download".

8. If you have multiple pages in your file make sure you select which page you want to save. 

That's all there is to it! Happy creating and posting. Leave a comment below with tips or questions!

If you are interested in learning how to get these post to work for you by bringing in more clients, check out my book: Facebook Ads for Counselors: Fill Your Schedule Fast with A Dollar a Day!

#Counselors #Therapists #FacebookPostsforCounselors #AdsForCounselors #FacebookAdsForCounselors #LMFT #LPC #LCSW
